We’re two weeks away from Hatters half marathon and Ive got a poorly hip flexor! I’ve been really good at doing my foot exercises, see numb toes blog, but I really haven’t got along with the new arches. The left one is fine and I no longer have numb toes, but the right one is too severe and has altered my hip positioning causing me to injure my hip flexor. Im so frustrated, training has been going so well, Ive been consistent and stuck to my plan, but now Im having to take time off because the hip flexor is too painful. I did drag it round 13 miles last weekend hoping it might ease (I should know better) but obviously it didn’t. Ive taken the arch out of the right shoe, Dave has done sports massage to the quads, adductors, hamstrings and glutes to try to get the hip flexor to release and I’m now stretching regularly to try and restore length to the hip flexor. Next week I will start strengthening the glutes to relive the hip flexor of some of the work and then hopefully I will be able to do the Hatters Half, cross your fingers. Below are some photos of the stretches Im doing to lengthen the hip flexors, these are great Yoga inspired stretches for runners to do as part of their stretching programme.
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