Use it or lose it
Ever heard the saying use it or lose it? Well this is known in the fitness world as the 5th principle of fitness; reversibility. Reversibility happens when we stop exercising whether it be...
View ArticleWorld diabetes day – are you at risk?
14th November was World diabetes day, diabetes has been on the increase with 3.9 million people in the UK currently suffering with diabetes, this figure is estimated to rise to 5 million by 2025. 56%...
View ArticleChristmas workout
Don’t let your fitness slip over christmas, use short interval workouts using body weight exercises that can be done anywhere, see Video below. The post Christmas workout appeared first on Variety...
View ArticleRugby players do Pilates and Yoga too
As I write todays blog the Rugby World Cup is coming to its final weeks. The world cup favourites, New Zealand, practice yoga regularly in their fitness training. Nonu a consistent player of the team...
View Article3 top tips to help you achieve your new years resolutions
Sound familiar? Did you know 88% of new years resolutions fail? Did you manage to achieve yours last year or were you part of the 88%? Here are 3 top tips to help you achieve yours this...
View ArticleSee food differently to succeed at weight loss
This time of year always sees an increase in class numbers, busier gyms and more personal training sessions being booked, all with the same goal of wanting to lose weight. Weight loss is a lot...
View ArticleWhy you need a training buddy
Having someone to train with can keep you on track to achieving your fitness goals and prevent you from falling off the bandwagon. When looking for the perfect training buddy they will need to have...
View ArticleWhy you don’t need to detox
At this time of year there is always a lot of talk about detoxing and cleansing after overindulging over christmas. Let me tell you you don’t need to detox or cleanse, the body is more than capable of...
View ArticleGestational diabetes
According to Diabetes UK 16% of pregnant women will develop gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects pregnant women usually in the second or third trimester. Being...
View ArticleWhy do pilates?
Still not tried pilates and wondering what its all about and whether it would benefit you? Hopefully this will help you make a decision. Joseph Pilates is the founder and creator of Pilates, he worked...
View ArticleTrigger point pilates
Trigger points are scar tissue/ knots/ tender spots in the muscle. Trigger points can cause both localised pain and referred pain, they can hinder movement, efficiency of the muscle and affect...
View ArticleBreakfast is so important
September is better breakfast and I for one cannot leave the house without it, speaking to me before breakfast (and a cup of tea) is risky business, once Ive eaten I’m more approachable. Breakfast sets...
View ArticleDave’s muesli recipe
Ingredients Cashews Flaxseeds Brazil nuts Almonds Oats Chia seeds Coconut oil How Melt the coconut oil and stir in the nuts Crush the nuts (either with the end of a rolling bin or in a blender) Lay...
View ArticleWhy I run
A lot of my class participants and personal training clients always ask me why I run if I teach so many classes and exercise is my job, well here’s my story. I started running in 2005 because I wanted...
View ArticleReformer for runners
The pilates reformer is the foundation of Joseph Pilates work, he started with machines and adapted the exercises to create a mathwork programme as well. His earlier work was in prisoner of war camps...
View ArticlePilates and Yoga retreat with Variety Fitness 24th March 2017
Enjoy a two night stay in Ilam Hall, a beautiful 17th Century Gothic Manor set in 84 acres of National Trust parkland. Located next to the River Manifold, near Ashbourne in the stunning...
View ArticleWhy I’m running Manchester marathon – maybe Im crazy
I did it, I signed up for the one distance I said I would never run! Have I lost my marbles? Probably! So why have I signed up? Moment of madness? For the challenge? Too much Pimms? All of the...
View ArticleWhy you need a training buddy
Having someone to train with can keep you on track to achieving your fitness goals and prevent you from falling off the bandwagon. When looking for the perfect training buddy they will need to have...
View ArticleHip Hop
We’re two weeks away from Hatters half marathon and Ive got a poorly hip flexor! I’ve been really good at doing my foot exercises, see numb toes blog, but I really haven’t got along with the new...
View ArticleNumb Toes
This is something I have struggled with in the past and its coming back to haunt me, so I decided I better nip it in the bud before the marathon training begins. I have bunions (pretty eh!) and toes...
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